The project will be a series of portraits and small interviews with individuals who find a way of escaping trauma, past events, or the struggle of everyday life. First up is the wonderful human that is Tom Peters. Due to complication during surgery in 2018 Tom’s life changed as he once knew it. Since the surgery Tom can no longer walk due to the excruciating pain suffered from nerve damage. “Prior to the surgery my whole life involved around extreme sports and realising I could no longer do this was heart breaking. I never wanted to swim. I had zero interest in this. But I soon realised this is now one of the only activities I might be able to do. I swim for mental clarity. If I get some bad news from the hospital and I don’t know how to process it I just go for a swim and that clears it. When I’m on land I am a disabled. But when I am in the water I feel free”.
Nick Eagle
Concept development & Retouching